Our Sponsors

We are immensely grateful to our generous sponsor, Carfax Educational Consultants, for making the show possible

We are also proud to be supported by Arbat, Oxford's finest Russian restaurant. Visit them at 84 Cowley Road, Oxford.

We are very pleased to be supported by Wight Vodka, suppliers of premium Vodka distilled here in the UK.

Finally, our thanks goes to Adrem Contracts, London's most skillful all trade property professionals. 

As well as our gratitude to our all our sponsors and particularly Carfax Educational Consultants, many thanks go to King's Hall Trust for the Arts, New College JCR, Madwag Productions, Esslington Players and ETC (Experimental Theatre Company) for their backing. Our thanks also go to Kingston Grammar School, Brighton College, The School of St Helen & St Katherine and Henley Theatre Services for the generosity.